Water soluble fertilizers

These fertilizers are soluble in the water and are readily available for absorption by plants. Nutrition management is easy through Water soluble fertilizers (WSF) as the nutrient levels are not affected by leaching and erosion. They are easy to apply with minimum efforts through Fertigation” and are the most essential aspect of new-age Cont agricultural systems such as hydroponic and drip irrigation methods.

Fertigation is a method of fertilizer application in which fertilizer is incorporated within the irrigation water through the drip-irrigation system.

Calcium Nitrate

A water-soluble fertilizer with Calcium and Nitrogen content, it is the only source of water-soluble calcium. Apart from being an essential nutrient, it is also used to control certain plant diseases. It is readily soluble in water and is best for drip irrigation and foliar application of fertilizer. Water-soluble fertilizers (WSF) have been developed to help fertigation” a method of fertilizer application in which fertilizer is incorporated within the irrigation water by the drip system

How to use Calcium Nitrate

The fertilizer should be used considering the proportion and time of the crop cycle. It is best to be used from the pre-flowering stage to the fruiting stage.

Proper precautions should be taken while applying water-soluble fertilizers, it should be sprayed using proper spray nozzles in early morning or evening. Spray should be used according to crop & soil and leaves should be properly soaked with fertilizer.

This fertilizer can be applied in standing crops by using either the drip irrigation method, the leafy spray method, or direct application to the soil

In the standing crop, Calcium Nitrate can be used twice or thrice as per requirement at the rate of 25-50 KG/acre

The recommended dose of fertilizer through the drip irrigation method is 15 to 2.5gm of fertilizer

mixed with per litre of water considering the crop and soil type.

When applying fertilizer through eafy Spray method 0.5 to 0.8% gm of Water Solubile Calcium Nitrate (17-44-01 should be mised with per litre of water and should be sprayed at 30-40 days of the crop cycle

Μ.Κ.Ρ. (0:52:34)

A water-soluble fertilizer with high Phosphate content along with the optimum amount of Potash and Sodium. It is readily soluble in water and is best for drip irrigation and foliar application of fertilizer. Water-soluble fertilizers (WSF) have been developed to help fertigation a method of fertilizer application in which fertilizer is incorporated within the irrigation water by the drip system.

How to use M.Κ.Ρ. (0:52:34)

The fertilizer should be used considering the proportion and time of the crop cycle. This fertilizer can be used from the initial stage of the crops until the maturity stage. It can be used both by the drip irrigation method, leafy spray method.


The recommended dose of fertilizer through the drip-irrigation method should be around 15 to 2gm of NPK should be mixed with per litre of water considering the crop and soil type When applying fertilizer through Leafy Spray method Mono Potassium Phosphate (0-52-34) should be used 30-40 days after sowing of the crop till pre-flowering stage at 0.5-1.0% proportion 2-3 times at the gap of 10-15 days

Μ.Α.Ρ. (12:61:0)

It is a water-soluble fertilizer with high Phosphate content along with the optimum amount of Nitrogen. It is readily soluble in water and is best for drip irrigation and foliar application of fertilizer. Water-soluble fertilizers (WSF) have been developed to help fertigation” a method of fertilizer application in which fertilizer is incorporated within the irrigation water by the drip system

How to use M.Α.Ρ. (12:61:0)

The fertilizer should be used considering the proportion and time of the crop cycle. This fertilizer

can be used from the initial stage of the crops until the pre-flowering stage. It can be used

either by drip irrigation method, leafy spraj method and also for root treatment.

For Root treatment purposes 10Gm of fertilizer per litre of water should be used.

The recommended dose of fertilizer through drip irrigation method should be around 15 to 2gm of NPK should be mixed with per litre of water considering the crop and soil type.

When applying fertilizer through Leafy Spray method Mono Ammonium Phosphate (12-61-0) should be used 30-40 days after sowing of the crop till pre-flowering stage at 05-10% proportion 2-3 times at the gap of 10-15 days

Urea Phosphate (17:44:0)

A water-soluble fertilizer with high phosphorus and Nitrogen content along with plant development also cleans drip pipes. It is readily soluble in water and is best for drip irrigation and foliar application of fertilizer. This combination ensures strong flower and fruit development. Water-soluble fertilizers (WSF) have been developed to help fertigation” a method of fertilizer application in which fertilizer is incorporated within the irrigation water by the drip system.

How to use Urea Phosphate (17:44:0)

The fertilizer should be used considering the proportion and time of the crop cycle. Urea phosphate is an excellent source of useful Nitrogen and Phosphorous. This fertilizer should be used in the initial stage of the crops. It can be used both by the drip irrigation method, the leafy spray method and also through for root treatment. When using for root treatment 10gm of fertilizer should be mixed with per litre of water.

The recommended dose of fertilizer through the drip irrigation method is 1.5 to 2.5gm of fertilizer

mixed with per litre of water considering the crop and soil type.

When applying fertilizer through Leafy Spray method 0.5 to 1.0% gm of Water Soluble Urea Phosphate (17-44-0) should be mixed with per litre of water and should be sprayed at 30-40 days of the crop cycle.

S.O.P. (0:0:50)

A water-soluble fertilizer with high Potassium and Sulphate Sulphur content along with an optimal amount of Sodium. It is readily soluble in water and is best for drip irrigation and foliar application of fertilizer. This combination ensures strong flower and fruit development. Water-soluble fertilizers [WSF] have been developed to help fertigation a method of fertilizer application in which fertilizer is incorporated within the irrigation water by the drip System.

How to use S.O.P. (0:0:50)

The fertilizer should be used considering the proportion and time of the crop cycle. This fertilizer should be used in the pre and post-flowering stages for crops. It can be used both by the drip irrigation method and the leafy spray method

The recommended dose of fertilizer through the drip irrigation method should be around 15 to 2.5gm of fertilizer mixed with per litre of water considering the crop and soil type.

When applying fertilizer through Leafy Spray method 0.5 to 1.0% gm of Water Soluble Sulphate of potash (00-00-50) should be mixed with per litre of water and should be applied after the emergence of flowers

Ν.Ρ.Κ. 19:19:19

A water-soluble fertilizer with an optimum combination of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, and Sodium. It is readily soluble in water and is best for drip irrigation and foliar application of fertilizer. This combination is suitable for almost all crops and can be used along with pesticides and fungicides. Water-soluble fertilizers (WSF) have been developed to help fertigation a method of fertilizer application in which fertilizer is incorporated within the irrigation water by the drip system.

How to use N.P.K. 19:19:19

The fertilizer should be used considering the proportion and time of the crop cycle. This fertilizer can at all stages of plant growth and also for rejuvenation of vegetative growth. It can be used both by the drip irrigation method, leafy spray method.

The recommended dose of fertilizer through the drip irrigation method should be around 1.5 to 2gm of NPK should be mixed with per litre of water considering the crop and soil type

When applying fertilizer through Leafy Spray method N.P.K. (19:19:19) should be used 30-40 days after sowing of the crop till pre-flowering stage at 0.5-10% proportion 2-3 times at the gap of 10-

15 days

S.O.P. (0:0:50)

A water-soluble fertilizer with high Potassium and Sulphate Sulphur content along with an optimal amount of Sodium. It is readily soluble in water and is best for drip irrigation and foliar application of fertilizer. This combination ensures strong flower and fruit development. Water-soluble fertilizers [WSF] have been developed to help fertigation a method of fertilizer application in which fertilizer is incorporated within the irrigation water by the drip System.

How to use S.O.P. (0:0:50)

The fertilizer should be used considering the proportion and time of the crop cycle. This fertilizer should be used in the pre and post-flowering stages for crops. It can be used both by the drip irrigation method and the leafy spray method

The recommended dose of fertilizer through the drip irrigation method should be around 15 to 2.5gm of fertilizer mixed with per litre of water considering the crop and soil type.

When applying fertilizer through Leafy Spray method 0.5 to 1.0% gm of Water Soluble Sulphate of potash (00-00-50) should be mixed with per litre of water and should be applied after the emergence of flowers

Urea Phosphate with S.O.P. (18:18:18 and 6.1% S)

It is a water-soluble NPK fertilizer with around 6% sulphur content. It is readily soluble in water and is easily absorbed by the roots providing essential nutrients to plants. Water-soluble fertilizers (WSF) have been developed to help fertigation” a method of fertilizer application in which fertilizer is incorporated within the irrigation water by the drip system

How to use Urea Phosphate with S.O.P. (18:18:18 and 6.1% S)

The fertilizer should be used considering the proportion and time of the crop cycle. This fertilizer can be used from the initial stage of the crops until the pre-flowering stage, it can be used either by drip irrigation method or leafy spray method

When using through drip irrigation method the following around 15 to 2gm of NPK should be mixed with per litre of water considering the crop and soil type

When applying fertilizer through Leafy Spray method INPK (18:18:18) should be used 30-40 days after sowing of the crop till pre-flowering stage at 05-15% proportion 2-3 times at the gap of 10-

15 days

Potassium Nitrate (13:0:45)

A water-soluble fertilizer with high Potassium and Nitrogen content along with optimal amount of Sodium. It is readily soluble in water and is best for drip irrigation and foliar application of fertilizer. This combination is suitable post boom and for physiological maturity of crop. Water-soluble fertilizers (WSF) have been developed to help fertigation” a method of fertilizer application in which fertilizer is incorporated within the irrigation water by the drip system.

How to use Potassium Nitrate (13:0:45)

The fertilizer should be used considering the proportion and time of the crop cycle. This fertilizer is beneficial from the middle stage of the crop until the maturity stage. It can be used both by the drip irrigation method and the leafy spray method.

The recommended dose of fertilizer through the drip irrigation method should be around 1.5 to 2.5gm of fertilizer mixed with per litre of water considering the crop and soil type.

When applying fertilizer through Leafy Spray method 1.0-1.5gm of Water Soluble Potassium Nitrate (13-0-45) should be mixed with per litre of water and should be used 60-70 days after sowing of the crop.