
Micronutrients are the fertilizers that are required in very small quantities but are crucial for various plant growth and development processes such as helping in protein synthesis, flowering, fruiting, etc. The depletion of micronutrients can severely affect the crop, therefore it is essential to supplement the soil with IFFCO’S micronutrients that replenish the nutritional content in the soil

Boron 20%

Boron is a micronutrient essential for flowering and fruit setting of crops. IFFCO Boron (Di Sodium Tetra Borate Penta Hydrate) (B 20%) effectively provides crucial micronutrients. It also enhances the absorption of other nutrients such as calcium in plants

How to use Boron 20%

The fertilizer should be used considering placement, proportion, and time of crop de Thes fertilizer cars aho be used by using the lealy spray method, it is advisable to ma with hot water should be nised propedy with 1-gs FFCO Boon per her water for greater absorption of the nutrient, this spraying should be done 1 to 2 weeks it should be sprayed swing proper spray nozzles in early morning or evening Spray should be used according the crop & soland Inaves should be properly soaked with hertilizer it is the recommended method for Beronse as It makes Doven deectly available to plants and angucts production positively

Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate 33%

Zinc is one of the essential micronutrients that acts as a catalyst for activating enzymes required for synthesis of plant proteins, IFFCO Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate (Zn 33%, 5-15 prevents and corrects the zinc deficiency in crops

How to use Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate 33%

Fertilizers should be used considering placement, proportion, and time of crop cyde

Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate can be applied to the crops at the time of sowing and in the standing crops. The fertilizer can be applied directly to the soil at the time of sowing at henta of 2-3 kg/acre and if needed, a similar dosage can be applied at the interval of 40-45 days (25 30 days for grain crops) in standing crops

If using the leaf spray method for fertilizer application 2-3grams Zinc Sulphate Monohydra 2.5grams Lime or 10grams Urea per liter water should be mived property and should in zroyed directly over the leaves in the first or second week after the vegetative growth

Boron 14.5%

Boron is a micronutrient essential for flowering and fruit setting of crops. IFFCO Boron (Di Sodium Tetra Borate Penta Hydrate) (B14.5%) effectively provides crucial micronutrients. It also enhances the absorption of other nutrients such as calcium in plants.

How to use Boron 20%

The fertilizer should be used considering placement, proportion, and time of crop cycle. Boron should be applied directly to the soil at the time of sowing or in standing crops, except for salty soil, where leaf spray is the recommended method

For crops in humid and heavy soils in dosages of 10-14 KG/lacre and in light soils at the rate of 7. 10KGlacre should be applied